Thursday, 11 December 2008

David Van Day is a scream

I don't know if anyone has been following the Reality TV show "I'm a celebrity......." I have managed to see some off it between pints of Badgers Real Ale.
Anyway, 80's singing star David Van Day, having come fourth in the contest is now back in the UK and doing the rounds of TV talk shows. His send up of Nicola "Skelator" McLean on the show was absolutely brilliant.
What's even funnier is that the clip is on Youtube and someone has complained, stating that McLean is a "Legend"!!!!!!
Being the International Jet-setter that I am I managed to get down to London yesterday via Brighton, where he lives, and bumped into him long enough to say hi and have a chat about visiting Upton Cheney sometime soon.
I really hope we get DVD round the pub on a Monday night and get him to read out the questions. I reckon he would be an absolute scream.

A Big well done to David.

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