Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Biff Baff Boff - It got released

Well the good news is that the long awaited "I'm a Celebrity" record Biff Baff Boff finally got realesed. hurrah I hear you cry.
The bad news seems to be that you can only appear to buy it through itunes, mind you I have yet to get out of the pub and donw to asda to see if it's for sale there.
You can check out a sample of the song here
and if you do decide to buy it, well it's only £1:50p any way.

So come on every body, buy a copy and see if we can upset my good mate Simon Cowell by getting it right up there at the top of the charts.
[ I bet Simon's on his way round the Upton Inn to bash me as soon as he reads this :-) ]

A Belated Happy New Year 2009

Hi everyone, I'm back.
As is normal during December and January I have maintained my international Jet setting lifestyle and I have been abroad travelling the worl.
I have loads of photos and stories about the things that I have been up to while I have been away enjoying foreign parts.

I will be posting some of the more interesting pictures here over the next coming weeks.
There are so many to go through first though.

I must say a very very big THANK YOU to all of those you that visit my little place here on the Internet and contact me through e-mail to ask me questions.

To the hundreds of you that have posted asking where I am.
I say thanks for asking and for caring, please accept this blog posting as my answer to you for now.
There are so many it will take me some time to answer each and every one personally so please be patient as I get round to you.

HAPPY 20009